Earlier this week, life hacker asked participants to share their favorite online job search sites and today, I am here with a recap of the most popular answers!
Monster.com houses over a million job postings, and over 150 million resumes at any one time (Wikipedia). Monster has one of the largest job search databases available.
2. LinkedIn
Linkedin.com is a social networking site along the lines of Facebook with an emphasis on building a work-related network. While LinkedIn is not primarily a job search site, the opportunity to get jobs from their professional network, rather than digging through enormous search databases, makes it a resource for connecting with people in your field, who know where you may be able to find a job.
3. Career Builder
CareerBuilder is amongst the oldest job search sites on this list, founded in 1995. Like Monster, Career Builder posts millions of job postings, hundreds of thousands of employers on the hunt for potential employees and a whole lot more.
4. HotJobs
Another age-old job search engine (1996). You can post your resume here also. You may see the same posting here as you see on monster and career builder, so pick the one that is easiest for you to understand and navigate in your career search!
5. Indeed
Last but not least, Indeed. This meta-search engine scours job sites, newspapers, and a company career pages for jobs. Indeed is not a full service job search site, but if you know what kind of work you are looking for, its worth a peek. according to lifehacks the majority of votes for Indeed were from first-time commenters (which generally means spam), but Indeed still snagged plenty of legitimate votes from satisfied users.
Remember Midwest Institute is here with lifetime career placement assistance, so if you are searching for a job and these search engines are getting you down, come in and talk to us. If you are not a student and you would like to obtain skills to secure your dream job…
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